вторник, 26 февраля 2013 г.

What Makes Lovastatin So Special (Part II)

However, just like any other drug, Lovastatin may have different side effects. There is a story of one patient who was taking this medication for a long time, somewhere around 2 years. Shortly after starting to take it to reduce high cholesterol levels, this person began to feel some weakness and discomfort. It could be said for legs and arms. “I felt very tired all the time. That’s why I asked my doctor at least several time about such issues, and I expressed all of my concerns not long after I’ve started to use Lovastatin. After that I also started to have severe pain and cramps. My doctor advised me to be examined for ant blockage or blood clots, but this test was negative in the end. Recently, I saw on the news that the FDA had a warning about this drug. So, I think I’ve experienced side effects of its usage.”

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